As a special treat, I am including a picture of my Halloween costume at the bottom of the post. Happy Halloween!
I am listing the best posts for answering the top questions that people ask me. As far as I know, these posts are still valid although some of the information may have been superseded by new developments.
I wrote the U.S. Pharmacy Industry: Economic Report and Outlook to provide an integrated analysis of these (and other) questions. You should check it out for more details.
Who are the biggest pharmacies?
How much money do pharmacies make?
What is the controversy about CVS Caremark's Maintenance Choice program?
“Behold: a new $829 billion entitlement that will subsidize insurance for tens of millions of people—and reduce deficits by $81 billion at the same time. In the next tent, see the mermaid and a two-headed cow.”Perhaps this article will distract you from the, um, unexpected WTF news that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. This is not a joke. See the video below.