
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oncology Commercialization and Market Access

9th Annual Oncology Commercialization and Market Access 2016
March 22-23, 2016 | San Francisco, CA

Are you ready to tackle the market?

Commercializing oncology products is becoming much more complex due to the influx of innovative new therapies, combination therapies and the increased fragmentation of cancer types. With mounting pressures on the cost vs. value of these products from various stakeholders, it is now impacting the way bio/pharmaceutical companies are planning for the rising development costs, product reimbursement and market access hurdles as well as combating toxicity levels to ensure overall patient benefit. Within this high-risk, high-reward market, the development of a commercialization playbook is becoming one of the keys to success.

CBI’s 9th Annual Oncology Commercialization and Market Access meeting remains the go-to event to gain strategic insight from peers on the most pressing commercialization hurdles that executives face today. Join your industry colleagues for this in-depth and dynamic meeting to benchmark with all key stakeholders, gain best practices to successfully execute a global product launch and walk away with an actionable commercialization playbook to bring back to your organization!

Visit for more information.

Speakers Include Representatives from:
Celgene | Churchill Pharmaceuticals LLC | Eli Lilly & Co. | EMD Serono | Guard Dog Brand Development | Halozyme Therapeutics | Infinity Pharmaceuticals | Mayo Clinic | and more!

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